Adding general users from the user management page to the selected group has been provided. Ability of adding settings on groups also has been added.

  1. Select the “Groups” after going to Users/salesforce. Then click on create groups.

In this page insert Group name and priority. There is direct relation between priority and number of field.

     2. Separate settings can also be made for groups that are built. For achieving this aim from the main menu click on users/salesforce and select gear wheel to enter settings.


1.3 Just click on the desired group for adding visitor to the group, and then select quick create.

3-2. Click on save.

4. Select Users/ salesforce and then choose the desired visitor, then you can see the member groups. If needed the visitor can be deleted.

5. Also by entering the visitor setting, you can check the visitor chooses settings from which group, and by clicking on the created link.